
Level of Difficulty: Easy

Training Required: Yes

Duration: 1 hour per m²

Fabrix™ is an easy to install fabric system for walls and ceiling. We provide training to use our Fabrix™ tracks by our professional trainers. You may watch our “How to Install” video to get started on your first step!

If you have a project that requires training or supervision from us, feel free to drop us an email at to arrange a slot.

Curved Systems

Level of Difficulty: Hard

Training Required: Yes

Duration: 2 hour per m²

Fabrix™ tracks can be used to construct acoustic panels that can achieve complex, organic geometry. The ML 27S tracks are cut intermittently with a small spacing in-between to allow for bending on convex and concave surfaces. 

The tracks can be shaped into different parametric forms such as convex-to-concave, saddle points, and other free form surfaces.

Modular Panels

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Training Required: No

Duration: 2 hours per m²

Fabrix™ XL 45S houses all the components required to make an acoustic panel or baffle. To construct it, an MDF board is inserted into the track as the base of the panel. Mineral infill or acoustic foam is then installed onto the MDF board. Lastly, the fabric is secured into the teeth of the track.

Accessories such as z-clip can be used to hang on the wall, and rhombus nut with threaded rod can be used to hang on the ceiling as a cloud or baffle.

Magnetic Systems

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Training Required: No

Duration: 2 hours per m²

Fabrix™ Magnetic is a magnetic acoustic panel system that uses proprietary Fabrix™ tracks.

The neodymium pot magnet is secured to our patent-pending clip system that mechanically fastens any Fabrix™ profiles to the magnet. The magnetic panel system can be installed on any wall or ceiling with a safety wire attached. 

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